Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Gateway in blossoms

Student Services

Undergraduate Forms and Policies

The forms and policies below will assist you through your undergraduate program and will provide important information and knowledge to fulfill your degree requirements.

The College of Education Undergraduate COE Student Handbook has been created by the Office of Student Services as the main guide for all undergraduate students in the College.

Students intending to graduate must submit a prior to the last day of the Schedule Adjustment Period of the semester of expected graduation. 

Criminal History Disclosure Form

Completion of the Criminal History Disclosure Form is required for all students in the College of Education who are entering a field placement (Ex: TLPL 251, EDHD 220, Student Teaching Yearlong Internship, etc.). This form must be notarized and submitted as the original copy to the Office of Student Services, located in 1204 Benjamin Building, before beginning any  placement in the local schools. Questions regarding the Criminal History Disclosure Form should be directed to the Office of Student Services (ed-advising@umd.edu).

NOTE: No student will be permitted to remain in a class/school with a required field component unless a valid Criminal History Disclosure Form is on file.

Students requesting an exception to University of College policy must complete an online. Once the form is submitted, students' Academic Advisor will follow-up via email regarding a decision. Please allow 24-48 business hours for a reply. For any questions regarding these requests, please email (EDUC-exceptions@umd.edu).

Students are required to complete the at various points during their degree program (orientation, change of major, admission to the professional teacher education program, etc.). Please retain a copy for your personal records. 

Orientation Documentation and Forms

The COE Student Handbook has been created by the Office of Student Services as the main guide for all undergraduate students in the College. Students are responsible for knowing the information in this handbook, as well as the information that is contained in the Schedule of Classes, Undergraduate Catalog and College handouts.

Students must complete the and return the completed tot he Office of Student Services located in 1204 Benjamin Building.

To complete a program requirement at another institution, current students must complete a and have it approved by their Advisor and their College before enrolling in a course at another institution.

Degree-seeking undergraduate students who have been away form the University for at least 5 years, and return to pursue their initial baccalaureate degree are eligible to use academic clemency for courses taken previously at the Ï㽶ÊÓƵ. Under clemency, up to 16 credits of D=, D, D- and F grades may be removed from the calculation of the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA). Student must request academic clemency in their first semester of registration upon enrollment. 

NOTE: While the grades and credits are removed from the calculation of the student's GPA, the grades and credits are not removed from the student's transcript. Ï㽶ÊÓƵ transcripts are official state documents and cannot be altered. Please be aware that most graduate and professional schools do not honor the clemency notation and will recompute applicants' GPAs.

Consult the Academic Dismissal and Probation portion of the for specific details.

Consult the Absences, Assessment, Attendance, and Syllabus portion of the for specific details.

If you wish to , you must do so before the first day of classes. Failure to do so may result in a financial obligation to the University (even if you never attend the course).

Carefully consult the for the refund policies and deadlines.

General Education (Gen Ed) makes up approximately one-third of your undergraduate courses and provides an opportunity for students to explore various fields of study. For detailed information visit.

Undergraduate student classification levels are as follows:

Freshman: 1-29 semester hours
Sophomore: 30-59 semester hours
Junior: 60-89 semester hours
Senior: 90+ semester hours

A student who wished to declare a double degree must satisfactorily complete the regularly prescribed requirements of both degree programs and a minimum of 15 credits. At least 18 of the credits applied to the second degree must be in course work no applied to the requirements for the primary degree program. As early as possible, but in no case later than one full academic year before the expected date of graduation, the student must file with the department or programs involved, as well as with the appropriate deans, formal programs showing the courses to be offered to meet the major, supporting area, college, and general education programs. If two colleges are involved in the double degree program, the student must designate which college will be responsible for the maintenance of records and certification of general education requirements. Final approval of a double degree program must be obtained from each of the appropriate departments and college(s).

A student who wishes to complete a second major concurrently with their primary major of record must obtain written permission in advance from the appropriate departments or programs and colleges. As early as possible, but in no case later than one full academic year before the expected date of graduation, the student must file with the department or programs involved and with the appropriate deans, formal programs showing the courses to be offered to meet requirements in each of the majors and supporting areas as well as those of the college and general education programs. A student who wishes to add a Limited Enrollment Program as a second major must do so at the earliest possible opportunity to assure that specific credit and GPA requirements can be met. In order to obtain approval, students must complete all of the requirements specified for both the primary and secondary major. Courses taken for one major may be counted as appropriate as part of the degree requirements for the general education programs. If two colleges are involved in the double degree program, the student must designate which college will be responsible for the maintenance of records and certification of general education requirements. Final approval of a double degree program must be obtained from each of the appropriate departments and college(s).

NOTE: All Secondary Education majors are required to have an academic content major. Fully articulated dual major programs have been developed between various academic disciplines in the Arts and Sciences (e.g., Art, English, Geography, Government, History, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, World Languages) and Education. With careful advising, freshmen re able to complete the Universities' General Education requirements along with the academic major and Education major within eight semesters. 

The is the first ten business days of classes during the fall or spring semester. A similar period of time is designated for summer and winter terms. Refer to corresponding for exact dates and visit to find procedures for dropping a course. 

Consult the Blocks, Permission, and Stamps portion of the for specific details. 

Consult the Waitlist & Hold file portion of the for specific details.

Consult the Incompletes portion of the for specific details.

Pass/Fail courses must be electives in the student's program; they may not be college , major, field of concentration, or general education program requirements. Consult the Pass-Fail Grading Option portion of the for further details. 

GradePlus-Minus Grade Policy

Professional Application

The application for the Professional Teacher Education program is electronic. The deadline for all admission applications is May 1st or December 1st by 11:59pm depending on the program.

Consult with your Advisor for the appropriate application deadline and follow the application requirements and instructions. 

Consult the Repeating Courses portion of the for specific details. 

The is the first ten business days of classes during the Fall or Spring semester. A similar period is designated for Summer, Winter, and 12-week terms and any course that does not meet the standard term dates. Check the corresponding or for exact dates.

Visit the and to adjust your schedule. 

Electronic stamps are required for before being eligible to register for courses. Consult the Electronic Stamp portion of the for further details. 

The goal of the Ï㽶ÊÓƵ is to enable students to incorporate a summer, winter, semester, or year abroad into their degree program. Study abroad increases awareness of other cultures and languages while providing a comparative international perspective. Students can study in almost any place in the world! The provides information and advisement about all of these opportunities.

Given the scheduling and sequencing requirements associated with the professional education course work, students are advised to explore Study Abroad opportunities early in their college career. If considering Study Abroad, consult ab Education Abroad Advisor and your College of Education Advisor. 

is Ï㽶ÊÓƵ's interactive student resources website. Through Testudo, students are able to register for class, request transcripts, pay bills, adjust personal information, view the university catalog and schedule of classes, check financial aid, and take advantage of many other online services. 

Students can use to help with course planning. VENUS assembles schedules by considering all the possible combinations that can be produced with the courses that a student specifies.

When a course reaches maximum enrollment, students are no longer allowed to register for this course. Instead, you may place yourself on the waitlist through Testudo. As students drop the course, waitlisted students are added to the course roster. 

During the Schedule Adjustment Period (the first ten business days of classes), waitlisted students must check in daily via Testudo. Students who do not check in will be removed from the waitlist. Students moved from the waitlist into the course must confirm registration into the course on the same day the notification was received. If confirmation is not received, then you may be dropped from the course altogether. Placing yourself on a course waitlist does not guarantee enrollment/registration. Other alternative courses should be picked up as a back-up. If you have any questions, please consult with your Advisor.

Please consult the  Waitlist & Hold file portion of the for further information.