Bullying Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Lab


FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training for Diverse Parents! See details below :)

YMHFA for Diverse Parents

Calling ALL parents of youth between the ages of 9-20!

Supported by National Council of Mental Wellbeing and MHFA, Dr. Cixin Wang and her team at the 香蕉视频, College Park are offering a FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training for parents of youth between the ages of 9-20! Link to sign-up:

Download a PDF of the flyer below and share with others who may be interested!
YMHFA for Diverse Parents - FLYER.pdf

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is being offered for FREE by Dr. Cixin Wang and Ms. Kate Lu on February 3rd from 10am to 4pm EST. You can register by scanning the QR code below!

The training is also being offered on April 13th from 10am to 4pm EST. You can use the same QR code to register. We hope to see you there!

YMHFA Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training
Register for YMHFA Training
Register for the YMHFA Training

Interested in learning more about youth emotional intelligence and well-being? Come join Dr. Cixin Wang on 2/9 at 5pm EST! The registration link is listed below. 

EQ and Wellbeing in Youth

Check out the following recordings of the Parent-Child Connect workshops co-led by Dr. Cixin Wang and doctoral students:

Zoom link: 
Passcode: 92?PNw.+

Zoom link: 
Passcode: #HMwUH36

Zoom link: 
Passcode: y5dTqb^P

Zoom link: 
Passcode: #$8?&OCP

Zoom link: 
Passcode: =TF

Dr. Wang provided different parenting workshops for the Community Health Initiative (CHI) in 2022. You can check out the recording online - here is the .

Dr. Wang is facilitating a parent workshop in observation of Mental Health Awareness and AAPI Heritage Months for . In her presentation, parents will learn about how to minimize academic pressure while supporting children's success, brain development in adolescents, challenges impacting Asian American youth and parents, and communication skills. Please note - this workshop will be facilitated in Chinese. If you are a parent and speak Chinese, please consider joining on 5/23 at 7PM EST. The Zoom information is below:

Date: 5/23/2022, 6PM (Central/Chicago) / 7PM (Eastern)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 882 9676 6700

Project Vision
Project Vision - Chinese

Dr. Wang was invited by the Chinese American Community Health Services (CACHS) to provide a parenting workshop on "How to be an Emotional Coach for your Adolescents" (in Chinese).  Passcode: S.$P?Jj8

She was also invited by the CACHS to provide a virtual workshop on "How to Support Youth Mental Health during COVID" (also in Chinese)

Invited by Saenuri Korean Academy, Dr. Cixin Wang and Dr. Yeram Cheong provided a FREE virtual parenting workshop on building positive parent-child relationships through active listening and emotional coaching. The workshop is in both English and Korean.

Here is the link to their recording (available for 30 days from 4/3/22): 

Dr. Cixin Wang joined colleagues in Asian American Psychological Association and American Psychological Association Division 45 to make two videos on "How Asian Americans can respond to COVID-19 discrimination"

Drs. Cixin Wang and Nikita Rodrigues provided a workshop on Suicide Prevention for the Indian Cultural Association:

Parenting During the Pandemic

COVID-19 Webinar: Parenting During the Pandemic:
Dr. Cixin Wang joins other mental health providers to provide another webinar on parenting and youth mental health during COVID-19.
When: Friday, June 19th from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Zoom Meeting: (Meeting ID: 817 8397 5102) 
YouTube 泛亞頻道直播:

Dr. Cixin Wang was invited to speak at the Cabin John Middle School PTA meeting on Tuesday, May 12th on the topic of "Parenting During a Pandemic": If you missed the awesome and insightful presentation featuring Prof. Cixin Wang, click on the link to review the presentation: 

Asian American Parenting Workshop: Dr. Wang and students are currently offering parenting workshops to Asian American parents on how to prevent bullying and promote youth mental health at Churchill High School

Parenting Workshop image Dr. Wang

culturally responsive workshop

Culturally Responsive Parenting Workshops
Dr. Cixin Wang and colleagues lead a 6-session workshop at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, MD through December 2018 for parents of Asian American students with the goal of reducing bullying and depression, improving parent-child communication and problem-solving skills, and providing evidence-based strategies for parents. Topics included effective communication, enhancing emotional awareness, use of praise in parenting, bullying prevention, and strategies for communicating with schools. Please contact cxwang@umd.edu for more information.

Asian American Parenting Workshop Flyer

Culturally Responsive Parenting Workshops for Asian Americans
Dr. Cixin Wang and colleagues are currently leading a 7-session culturally-responsive workshop for Asian American parents at Robert Frost Middle School in Rockville, MD. Topics will include improving communication, solving conflicts, preventing bullying, and home-school communication strategies. For more information, please contact Cixin Wang at cxwang@umd.edu.

To register, visit .


Youth Mental Health First Aid Parent Workshop: Dr. Wang and students are offering Youth Mental Health First Aid for parents at MCPS

YMHFA Flyer Final

Youth Mental Health First Aid Student Workshop: Dr. Wang and Dr. Jia Liu offered Youth Mental Health First Aid for students at 香蕉视频 

MCPS Mental Health Fair

Dr. Cixin Wang was invited to give a presentation about Asian American Youth Mental Health at the MCPS Mental Health Fair: "How To Talk So Your Teens Will Listen: Understanding Mental Health Needs Among Asian American Youth"
MCPS_Asian American_Chinese.mp4 (97.78 MB)
MCPS_Wang_English.mp4 (72.87 MB)

Suicide Prevention

Dr. Cixin Wang gives a presentation on Suicide Prevention to parents at Thomas Jefferson High School. Presentation Slides and Audio:               
TJ High School.pdf (3.36 MB)
audio_only.m4a (29.92 MB)

Dr. Cixin Wang on the NASP Podcast Discussing Social Justice Perspectives on Bullying Prevention:

Essay Contest Flyer

The Hear Me Out Essay Contest: The Hear Me Out! essay contest was an opportunity for immigrant parents and children of immigrant parents to share their personal stories exploring cultural and generational issues within their families. The 27 winners of the essay contest were honored in a ceremony on April 6, 2018.

Parent-Teen Connect Flyer

Parent-Teen Connect Workshop Series: Dr. Cixin Wang and colleagues led culturally-responsive workshops aimed at parents of teenagers with an emphasis on bridging cultural and generational gaps and building positive family relationships. Topics include improving parent-teen communication, problem-solving and stress management.

resource flyer


Village Initiative Community Resource Seminar: The Village Initiative is a continued joint effort of the CCACC-Mental Health 360, Chinese American Parent Association and the Asian American Studies Program of the 香蕉视频.  The Village Initiative aims at promoting overall wellbeing of our community by providing information, resource referral and other resources for community members in need.

In this event, we will showcase the inspiring growing journey of Ms. Jiang Xinrou, a young lady lost her hearing at the age of 8 months, grew into a graceful professional dancer.  We also invited MCPS professionals, as well as community organizations who provide resource and service for students with special needs to join our panel discussion.


preventing cyberbullying

Dr. Cixin Wang and Jocelyn Yao provided a workshop to more than 120 parents on Bullying Prevention: Do’s and Don’ts for Parents:

Presentation at Prince George County Public School Family Institute on 3/18.

Check out the slides here:
PGCPS Bullying Prevention Talk_0.pdf

bullying and ERS

Dr. Wang and lab affiliates facilitate a series of 8-week culturally-responsive, virtual workshops for Chinese American parents on positive parenting and effective ways to address bullying/discrimination during COVID-19 pandemic. 

Check out the slides here:
Parent-TeenConnect6_Bullying&Discrimination&ERS.pdf (2.62 MB)