Treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders and addiction; Career development for adolescents with disabilities transitioning from school to work; Ethics in research and practice; American racism viewed through white racial frames

Paul B. Gold, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education at the 香蕉视频. He received his B.A. and M.A. in geology from Wesleyan University and the University of Texas at Austin, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri-Columbia. From 1994 to 2006, Paul conducted research for Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina, and provided clinical services for the affiliated Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Charleston, SC. In 2008, he joined the 香蕉视频 at College Park. He has been Principal or Co-Principal investigator of nine federally funded research grants, and has published over 75 articles in referred journals. Paul鈥檚 research interests are: Treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders and addiction; Career development for adolescents with disabilities transitioning from school to work; Ethics in research and practice; American racism viewed through white racial frames.

Selected Publications (2013 to present)

Gold, P. B., & Kivlighan, D. M. J. (2018). It鈥檚 complicated: Using group member process-feedback to improve group therapist effectiveness. Psychotherapy, 55(2), 164鈥169.

Gold, P. B., Macias, C., & Rodican, C. F. (2016). Does competitive work improve quality of life for adults with severe mental illness? Evidence from a randomized trial of supported employment. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 43(2), 155鈥171.

Macias, C., Gold, P. B., 脰ng眉r, D., Cohen, B. M., & Panch, T. (2015). Are single-item global ratings useful for assessing health status? Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 22(4), 251鈥264.

Li, X., Kivlighan Jr., D. M., & Gold, P. B. (2015). Errors of commission and omission in novice group counseling trainees鈥 knowledge structures of group counseling situations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), 159鈥172.

Gold, P. B., Kivlighan Jr., D. M., & Patton, M. J. (2014). Non-metric multidimensional scaling profile analysis of non-growth change in groups: A demonstration. Small Group Research, 45(3), 235鈥265.

Gold, P. B. (2013). Quality of life and competitive work among adults with severe mental illness: Moderating effects of family contact. Psychiatric Services, 64(12), 1218鈥1224.

Gold, P. B., Fabian, E. S., & Luecking, R. G. (2013). Job acquisition by urban youth with disabilities transitioning from school to work. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 57(1), 31鈥45.

Gold, P. B., Kivlighan Jr., D. M., & Patton, M. J. (2013). Accounting for session-level dependencies in longitudinal associations of group climate and therapeutic factors in interpersonally focused counselor-training groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 17(2), 81鈥94.

Macias, R. L., Gold, P. B., & Jones, D. R. (2013). Age and physical health as predictors of family contact among adults with severe psychiatric illness. Psychiatric Quarterly, 84(2), 183鈥195.

Gold, P. B., Jones, D. R., Macias, C., Bickman, L., Hargreaves, W. A., & Frey, J. (2012). A four-year retrospective study of Assertive Community Treatment: Change to more frequent, briefer client contact. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 76(4), 314鈥328.

Gold, P. B., Oire, S. N., Fabian, E. S., & Wewiorski, N. J. (2012). Negotiating reasonable workplace accommodations: Perspectives of employers, employees with disabilities, and rehabilitation service providers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 37(1), 25鈥37.

Khamis, S., Gold, P. B., & Vaughn, K. (2013). Propaganda in Egypt and Syria鈥檚 鈥淐yberwars.鈥 Retrieved from

2017-2018 State of Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) contract to the 香蕉视频 at College Park. Co-I, Research Subcontract (Co-PI, Ellen S. Fabian, Ph.D., Co-PI, Richard Luecking, Ed.D.), MDOD 18051428; KFS 5301052. 鈥淎greement for Evaluating and Sustaining Maryland PROMISE鈥 (Total Costs = $474,950; 20% effort)

2011-2016 Co-PI, Research Subcontract (PI, Ellen S. Fabian, Ph.D., PI), US Department of Education/ National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, CDFA Number 84.133A-6 (PI, Richard G. Luecking, Ph.D., TransCen, Inc.), "Disability Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) National Network Regional Centers" (Total Costs = $269,000; 10% effort)

2000-2006 PI, NIH/NIMH-K23-MH01903, "Community Integration of Persons with Severe Mental Illnesses" (Total Costs = $675,000; 75% effort)

2001-2005 PI, NIH/NIAAA-R03-AA12063, "Service Outcomes for Persons with Severe Substance Use Disorders" (no-cost extension 2003-2005) (Total Costs = $143,000; 20% effort)

1997-2004 PI (2001-2004), Co-PI (1997-2001), SAMHSA/CMHS-UD7-SM51823 (N. Meisler, M.S.W., PI). "Rural-Based Supported Employment Approaches." (no cost extension 2001-2004) (Total Costs = $3,500,000; 30% effort)

EDCP 652, Research in Counseling

EDCP 625, Counseling Chemically Dependent

EDCP 870, Ethics/Professional Issues

EDCP 789X, Lifespan Development