Early childhood, professional development, curriculum adaptations for inclusive classrooms.

Joan Lieber is a professor in the Special Education program in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education. Her expertise is in the area of early childhood special education. Most recently she has been involved in a number of grant supported projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) related to developing a curriculum to improve academic and developmental outcomes for preschool children at risk for school failure. The curriculum - Children's School Success (CSS) - is an integrated curriculum that includes activities related to science, math, literacy, and social skills development. CSS was implemented in preschool programs in Maryland, West Virginia, Kansas, Indiana, and California. The latest version of the curriculum - Children's School Success Plus (CSS+) emphasizes using elements of Universal Design for Learning, curriculum modifications, and embedding children's IEP objectives into classroom activities so that preschool children with disabilities can successfully participate in the activities. CSS+ is now being implemented in preschool programs in Maryland, Kansas, and Indiana.

Dr. Lieber has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Early Childhood Special Education since 1986. Before joining the Special Education program at the Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, she was a preschool teacher in an inclusive classroom in northern Minnesota.

Thomas G. Haring Award for Research - for study of particular significance published in JASH, 2000.

Certificate of Teaching Excellence, 1999.

Presidential award for Outstanding Service to the Schools, 1998.

Certificate of Teaching Excellence, 1993.

Journal Articles

Friesen, A., Butera, G., Kang, J., Horn, E., Lieber, J., & Palmer, S. (accepted with revisions). Collaboration in preschool to promote early literacy for children: Lessons learned from the CSS curriculum. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.

Butera, G., Friesen, A., Palmer, S., Lieber, J., Horn, E., Hanson, M.J. & Czaja, C. (in press). I can figure this out: Integrating math problem solving and critical thinking in early education curriculum. Young Children.

Lieber, J. (2011). Inclusion. Encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders.

Hanson, M.J., Miller, A., Diamond, K., Odom, S., Lieber, J., Butera, G., Horn, E., Palmer, S. & Fleming, K. (2011). Neighborhood community risk influences on preschool children's development and school readiness. Infants and Young Children, 24(1), 87-100.

Lieber, J., Hanson, M., Butera, G., Palmer, S., Horn, E., & Czaja, C. (2010). Do preschool teachers sustain their use of a new curriculum? National Head Start Association Dialog, 13(4), 248-252.

Odom, S. L., Fleming, K., Diamond, K., Lieber, J., Hanson, M., Butera, G., Horn, E., Palmer, S. & Marquis, J. (2010). Examining different forms of implementation in early childhood research. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 25, 314-328.

Lieber, J., Butera, G., Hanson, M., Palmer, S., Horn, E. & Czaja, C. (2010). Sustainability of a preschool curriculum: What encourages continued use? National Head Start Association Dialog, 13(4), 225-242.

Lieber, J. Butera, G., Hanson, M., Palmer, S., Horn, E., Czaja, C., Diamond, K., Goodman-Jansen, G., Daniels, J., Gupta, S., & Odom, S. (2009). Factors that influence the implementation of a new preschool curriculum. Early Education and Development, 20(3), 456-481.

Lieber, J. (2008). Introduction: Contemporary issues in early childhood special education. Exceptionality, 16(1), 1-3.

Lieber, J., Horn, E., Palmer, S., & Fleming, K. (2008). Access to the general education curriculum for preschoolers with disabilities: Children's School Success. Exceptionality, 16(1), 18-32.

Pretti-Frontczyk, K., Jackson, S., Goss, S.M., Grisham-Brown, J., Horn, E., Harjusola-Webb, S., Lieber, J., & Matthews, D.S. (2007). A curriculum framework that supports quality early childhood education for all young children. Young Exceptional Children Monograph, No. 9, 16-28.

Pretti-Frontczak, K., McKeen, L., Grisham-Brown, J., Horn, E., Matthews, D., Lieber, J., & Sullivan, L. (2007). Promoting positive outcomes for children with disabilities: Recommendations for curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation. Missoula, MT (DEC).

Odom, S.L., Vitztum, J., Wolery, R., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., Hanson, M.J., Beckman, P. Schwartz, I., Horn, E. (2004). Preschool inclusion in the United States: A review of research from an ecological systems perspective. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs.

Horn, E., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., & Schwartz, I. (2001). Embedded learning opportunities as an instructional strategy for supporting children's learning in inclusive programs. Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series No. 3, 59-70.

Odom, S. L., Hanson, M. J., Lieber, J., Marquart, J., Sandall, S., Wolery, R., Horn, E., Schwartz, I., Beckman, P. J., Hikido, C., Chambers, J. (2001). The costs of preschool inclusion. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21(1), 46-55.

Horn, E., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., Schwartz, I., & Li, S. (2000). Supporting young children's IEPs in inclusive settings through embedded learning opportunities. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(4), 208-223.

Lieber, J., Hanson, M., Beckman, P. J., Odom, S. L., Sandall, S., Schwartz, I., Horn, E., & Wolery, R. (2000). Key influences on the initiation and implementation of inclusive preschool programs. Exceptional Children, 67(1), 83-98.

Book Chapters

Lieber, J., & Drang, D. (in press). Social and emotional development. In S. Hooper & W. Unmansky (Eds.). Young children with special needs (6th Ed.)., Columbus, OH: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Butera, G., Palmer, S., Lieber, J., & Schneider, R. (2011). Helping preschool children learn about mathematics: Lessons learned from Children's Schools Success. In N.L. Gallenstein & D. Hodges (Ed.), Mathematics for all: Instructional strategies to assist students with learning challenges .Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.

Lieber, J., & Umansky, W. (2004). Social and emotional development, In S. Hooper & W. Unmansky (Eds.). Young children with special needs (4th Ed.), Columbus, OH: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Horn, E., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., Schwartz, I., & Wolery, R. (2002). Classroom models of individualized instruction. In S. L. Odom (Ed.) Widening the circle: Including children with disabilities in preschool programs. New York: Teachers College Press.

Lieber, J., Wolery, R., Horn, E., Tschantz, J., Beckman, P.J., & Hanson, M. (2002). Collaborative relationships among adults in inclusive preschool programs. In S. L. Odom, (Ed.). Widening the circle: Including children with disabilities in preschool programs. New York: Teachers College Press.

Odom, L.L., Wolery, R., Lieber, J., & Horn, E. (2002). Social policy and preschool inclusion. In S. L. Odom, (Ed.). Widening the circle: Including children with disabilities in preschool programs. New York: Teachers College Press.

Lieber, J. Children's School Success Plus: Supporting all Children's Progress in the General Education Curriculum. Institute of Education Sciences. Goal 2: Development Grant, 2010-2013. $479,110.

Lieber, J., Cooper, D. & Beckman, P. Master's Program in Early Childhood Special Education. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 2007-2011. $800,000.

Lieber, J., Beckman, P., & Cooper, D. Doctoral Leadership Training Grant in Early Childhood Special Education. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 2006-2010, $800,000.

Lieber, J. Children's School Success. National Institutes of Health, 2003-2008, $670,142. (Subcontract to Indiana University).

Lieber, J., Beckman, P., & Cooper, D. Master's Program in Early Childhood Special Education. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 2003-2007, $800,000.

Lieber, J., Beckman, P., & Cooper, D. Doctoral Leadership Training Grant in Early Childhood Special Education. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 2001-2005, $800,000.

Beckman, P. J. & Lieber, J. Community Connections: Promoting the Participation of Young Children. U. S. Department of Education. Office of Special Education Programs, 2000-2004, $598,980.

Lieber, J., Beckman, P.J., & Cooper, D. A Master's Program in Early Childhood Special Education. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 1999-2002, $599,905.

Lieber, J., & Beckman, P. J. Supporting Young Children through Collaboration: An Inservice Approach. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, 1997-2000, $479,645.